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Environmental Partners

Your Environmental Partners

Cascade Natural Gas Environmental PartnersCascade Natural Gas proudly supports our community partners and encourages the responsible and sustainable use of energy. Using natural gas to provide heat, water heat and cooking in your home or business is the most efficient use of our precious natural resources.  However, even the cleanest energy sources must be used efficiently and effectively.

Cascade encourages residential and business customers to install high-efficiency equipment as often as possible. Our  cash rebates can help offset the cost of implementation on qualified improvements.

When considering the purchase and installation of a high efficiency measure such as a furnace, fireplace, water heater or insulation, don’t forget to find out if your home is in the area of a Community Energy Efficiency Program (CEEP). For more details on current offerings, please contact the CEEP in your area.

Local community conservation partners:

Environmental Benefits of Direct Use of Natural Gas

Natural Gas Vehicle Resources