Ostrom Mushroom Farms is the largest producer of mushrooms in Washington state. To keep up with their expanding business, Ostrom built a new,-state-of-the-art facility in Sunnyside, WA. The new facility offered an ideal opportunity to operate more sustainably than their previous facility. Sustainability is a fundamental business value and Ostrom wanted equipment that could help reduce energy use at every stage of the production process.
“Sustainability here at Ostrom is really the core of our DNA. We want to reduce our energy costs and our carbon footprint” said Travis Wood, CEO of Ostrom Mushroom Farms.
With help from Cascade Natural Gas Corporation’s Commercial Incentive Program, Ostrom installed three high-efficiency condensing boiler systems that reduced energy use without harming productivity. The mushroom growing process is highly automated and reliability is essential; steam is generated 24/7. The new boilers have an automated display that make it easy for team members to monitor temperature and adjust as needed.
“We’ve been able to achieve over 90,000 therms of savings per year and that helps contribute to a healthy bottom line. I consider CNGC to be a valuable partner. We’ve seen some significant energy savings – especially from an ROI perspective and a payback period,” said Wood.
Now, instead of worrying about growing energy costs Ostrom can focus on growing quality, sustainably-produced mushrooms.
Equipment Installed
3 Condensing Boilers
for Hydronic Heating
Energy Savings
91,800 therms estimated annually
Cash Incentive