ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager®
ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager helps businesses and building owners measure and track their energy consumption. It is an interactive resource management tool that enables you to track and assess energy and water use across your entire portfolio of buildings … all in a secure online environment.
More importantly, it is the chosen tool to comply with Washington’s Clean Buildings Bill. It can help you implement every step of your energy management program, from setting a baseline and identifying which buildings to target to setting goals and tracking improvements.
Building owners, operators and energy managers can request benchmarking energy usage below. Cascade can provide monthly aggregated/whole-building usage for the gas meter numbers requested. We will initially provide up to 24 months of historical gas usage prior to the request date, and then regular monthly usage after each billing cycle. If the gas account has been active less than 2 years, the available number of billing cycles will be provided.
Using Portfolio Manager
You will need the following account information to use Portfolio Manager:
- Site address
- All meter number(s) and account number(s)
- The primary account contact name and email address
- Setup your Portfolio Manager account by visiting the ENERGY STAR website at Benchmarking starter kit for Portfolio Manager.
Establish Your Benchmark
Request your natural gas usage:
View our CNGC Portfolio Manager How-To Guide for Customers
1. Have your site address, meter numbers and account numbers ready
2. Connect with Cascade Natural Gas in Portfolio Manager by following our How-To Guide.
- When setting up meters, Cascade will rename the Natural Gas Meter Name after Sharing in Portfolio Manager has been established for automated data uploads.
3. After a connection request has been sent, email [email protected] and request a Cascade Utility Data Release Form. Please inform staff of a pending connection request.
- You can also download Cascade Utility Data Release Form
- View complete Terms and Conditions
- IMPORTANT: Release forms are required for buildings with two or fewer tenants that receive CNGC service. Each account holder must complete and sign the CNGC Customer Release Form.
- Download the Usage Request Form for Additional Natural Gas Accounts.
4. Return the Cascade Utility Data Release Form to [email protected] and once a connection is established, share the properties you would like gas usage for by following our How-To Guide.
5. Cascade will provide up to 24 months of historic usage to the meters shared. Your usage will be uploaded within 5 business days, then will automatically update on each billing cycle. Please check Portfolio Manager in the first 2 weeks to confirm correct upload integration.
Email questions or concerns to [email protected]
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Tools and Resources
- Access your Cascade Natural Gas Account by logging in to Online Account Services.
- Energy Efficiency Commercial Incentives
- Improve your energy score by upgrading the energy efficiency of your building. To take advantage of further energy efficiency savings and rebates, visit our Commercial Rebate Offerings page to see our latest incentives for new energy efficient upgrades.
Do you own a covered commercial building over 50,000 square feet? If so, there is a new statewide Clean Building Performance Standard (Standard) that may apply to a building you own. The Standard is mandatory for all covered commercial buildings located in the state of Washington, starting in 2026. A covered commercial building is a building where the sum of nonresidential, hotel, motel and dormitory floor areas exceed 50,000 gross square feet, excluding the parking garage area.
The Department of Commerce (Commerce) will be posting compliance requirements and a full list of possible covered commercial buildings on the Clean Buildings webpage, available beginning July 1, 2021. The list was generated using records obtained from each county assessor and other available information sources. Commerce will also be mailing notification letters to building owners after quality assurance checks on the list are complete.
The Early Adopter Incentive Program also launches on July 1, 2021. The program provides financial incentives to encourage early compliance with the Standard. A form will be available on the webpage on the day of the launch for building owners to communicate their intent to apply. Incentive funds are limited to $75 million. For more information about this program and the qualifications for applying, please visit the Clean Buildings Early Adopter Incentive Program webpage.