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Residential Rebate Offerings



Note: When applying for a rebate, allow eight to twelve weeks for us to process your Washington residential incentive applications.

An energy-efficient home can save you money season after season. Cascade Natural Gas can help with four easy steps to rebates for energy-efficient gas improvements, an easy online application, and a list of qualified contractors in your area.

Income-qualified customers may be eligible for Low Income Weatherization Assistance or Bill Assistance in partnership with Cascade Natural Gas and your local Community Action Agency.

Residential Rebates

90-Second Equipment Invoice Requirement Tutorial

To qualify for Cascade’s rebates:

  • Homeowners must be on residential rate schedule 503 (work was completed at a residential address, not a commercial business)
  • For heating and weatherization rebates, homeowners must use natural gas as your primary heat source (not a back-up for an electric heat pump); or
  • For water heating rebates, homeowners must use natural gas as your primary water heat source

Cascade Natural Gas Energy Efficiency Rebate Incentives Step 1 for Washington Residents

We offer rebates on qualified equipment for new and existing homes. Some projects may be eligible for additional tax credits or rebates.

Cascade Natural Gas Energy Efficiency Rebate Incentives Step 3 for Washington Residents

Choosing the right trade ally contractor for your home is a big decision.

Cascade Natural Gas Energy Efficiency Rebate Incentives Step 2 for Washington Residents

Click for a directory of Trade Ally Contractors in your area who meet CNGC program standards and are familiar with our program requirements and rebates. Or call us at 866-626-4479.

And remember it’s a good idea to always get 3 bids for any project you’d like to engage in.

Residential Applications

Taking a little extra time to ensure your paperwork is complete and accurate helps the rebate process move forward and helps you get your rebate even faster. For further assistance call us at 866-626-4479. Be sure to read through the eligibility requirements on the second page of the incentive list to see if your project qualifies and for full Terms and Conditions.

energy efficiency paperwork

Residential Rebate Contact Information
Phone: 866-626-4479

Office Hours: M-Th 8am – 5pm PST
Email: [email protected]
Mailing Address
Cascade Natural Gas
Energy Efficiency Admin
1600 Iowa Street
Bellingham, WA 98229

Residential Rebate Contact Information

Phone: 866-626-4479
Office Hours: M-Th 8am – 5pm PST
Email: [email protected]

Mailing Address:
Cascade Natural Gas
Energy Efficiency Admin
1600 Iowa Street
Bellingham, WA 98229

Commercial Rebate Contact Information

Phone: 866-450-0005
Fax: 877-671-2998
Email: [email protected]

Mailing Address:
Cascade Natural Gas
1180 NW Maple Street, Suite 310
Issaquah, WA 98027

Interested In Rebates

CNGC offers two (2) Residential window rebates for replacement of single pane windows and single pane patio doors.


Please note:  If you are replacing Existing Double Pane Windows, you are not Qualified to receive a Rebate.

    1. Equal or Less than 0.22 U-Factor $9.00 per square foot
    2. Equal or Less than 0.30 U-Factor $5.00 per square foot
  • Windows must carry certification and label from the National Fenestration Rating Council (NFRC)
  • Windows must be installed within the conditioned living areas of the home at the time of installation.
    • Garages, unconditioned basements, etc. are not eligible.
  • These window rebates do not apply to New Construction.
  • Rebate amount is determined by the square footage of the glazing installed.


  • You must include/attach the following along with your application:
    • Final Installation Invoice from the Washington State Licensed Contractor that installed them.
    • Manufacturer Packing Slip listing each Window U-Factor with Dimension/Measurement.
  • Must use intermittent ignition device
  • Ventless fireplaces are not eligible


A “Combi” system is an appliance that can do two things well: Heat your Home and Provide you with Hot Water


It is a high efficiency appliance that uses condensing technology to heat water and distribute it for space heat and domestic hot water use as needed.

The most efficient combination system uses an indirect-fired water heater; the boiler feeds a heat exchanger inside a storage tank (typically 50-100 gallons), transferring heat to the potable water.  This system takes advantage of the already-hot boiler during the heating season. Condensing boilers have a long life, 30 or 40 years compared to 10 to 15 years for a standard storage-type water heater.

The system can be configured to provide space heat via hydronic heat (like piping in the floor, or radiators placed throughout the home), or a hydronic Air Handler can be installed for heat distribution

95% AFUE minimum

CNGC Trade Ally directory can help you find your Combination Space and Water Heat system installer:

Select “Residential” and Select “Hydronic Heat”

Yes, $50.00!  Your model must be selected from the ENERGY STAR certified Clothes Washer list:

$75.00! Your model must be connected to home WIFI. The unit does not need to be ENERGY STAR certified if installed on or after March 15, 2024.

Yes! $50, it is for Existing Homes Only and the new thermostat must replace a non-programmable thermostat.

For rebate-eligible energy efficiency equipment that may be self-installed, support documentation is required: purchase receipts and equipment photos or app screenshots showing brand, model, and serial number.

Doors, thermostats, and clothes washers.

Yes!  This measure is the perfect marriage between Insulation and Air Movement.  Think of your house like a person, standing outside, without a coat.  On a nice day, you are comfy and don’t need a coat.  Then the temperature drops.  Installing insulation is like putting a coat on your house.  Back to your house as a person.  It’s cold, and now it’s windy. Your insulation coat works pretty well, but when that wind hits you want to run inside.  Air Sealing is like putting a wind-breaker on your house.  Just like a ski parka, when you have insulation combined with a wind breaker, you feel warm!


Must meet sections 4.4 and 6.2 of the 2016 BPA Residential Weatherization Specifications.  Must be performed by a CNGC Trade Ally and concurrently with a non-duct insulation install.  Attic Insulation must be present.

prescriptive attic air sealing

prescriptive crawlspace air sealing

*CNGC Trade Allies ARE REQUIRED to install Whole House Air Sealing – they know how

When you combine Whole House Air Sealing with two (2) weatherization measures, you can earn BUNDLE B – $500!

Minimum reduction in Total Air Leakage of 400CFM at 50 pascals – PRE and POST testing required


Washington Department of Commerce Weatherization Specifications

Combustion Safety Test Form

Diagnostic Test Report

Prescriptive Air Sealing targets specific areas of your home to reduce leakage but does not require a Blower Door Test. Rather, your contractor will follow the guidelines of Sections 4.4 and 6.2 of the 2016 BPA Residential Weatherization Specification Guide.

Whole House Air Sealing will target these and other areas, using a Blower Door to find air leaks throughout the home and seal them. Whole House Air Sealing also requires specific Washington Department of Commerce Weatherization documentation.

A Bundle is an additional rebate when you combine 2 or more measures. CNGC offers two Bundles for existing homes.

Any two (2) insulation measures (including Attic/Ceiling, Wall, Floor, Duct Insulation combined with Duct Sealing) = $250

Minimum 1,000 square feet of combined insulation areas. Example: 500 square foot Attic and 500 square foot Floor

Duct Sealing as a stand-alone measure does not contribute to Bundle A.

Whole House Air Sealing and any two (2) insulation measures that include (Attic/Ceiling, Wall, Floor, Duct Insulation combined with Duct Sealing) = $1000

Minimum 1,000 square feet of combined insulation areas. Example: 500 square foot Attic and 500 square foot Floor

Duct Sealing as a stand-alone measure does not contribute to Bundle B.


Cool Down Energy Use through Energy Trust of Oregon

Cascade Natural Gas is pleased to offer incentives to our Oregon commercial and residential customers through Energy Trust of Oregon. Energy Trust offers services and incentives that can help you reduce your impact on the environment while increasing the energy efficiency of your home or business.

To learn more, visit Energy Trust’s website or call 866-368-7878.

energy star


Learn more at the ENERGY STAR® website.