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Trade Ally Member

Click below to download a PDF of the Washington Department of Commerce’s Combustion Safety Test Report and Blower Door Diagnostic Test Report. Both are a requirement for submitting any Residential Air Sealing rebates. Please call 866-626-4479 if you have any questions.

Cascade Natural Gas Corporation (CNGC) provides Active Trade Allies with Training Scholarship reimbursement funds to offset a portion of training exam and certification costs for professional workforce development from recognized training and certification providers. Active Trade Allies Download the Training Reimbursment Form.

Note: Active Trade Allies have the option of participating in either the Training Grants / Scholarship or Bonus Coupon Programs, but not both.

Cascade Natural Gas provides Active Trade Allies with Bonus Coupons to give to their customers towards the purchase of incentive rebate qualified measures and “Good Form” of $5 for every complete (no missing information) rebate-qualified Program application received within the same calendar year and processed for projects installed by the Trade Ally. Email us to get your Bonus Coupons.

Note: Active Trade Allies have the option of participating in either the Bonus Coupon Programs or Training Grants / Scholarship, but not both.

Cascade Natural Gas Corporation (CNGC) is providing Active Trade Allies with Cooperative Marketing Reimbursement funds to offset a portion of pre-approved marketing/advertising costs when promoting qualified measures covered under the Conservation Incentive Rebate Program. Download the Reimbursement Form.

The Cascade Natural Gas Trade Ally logo is available to all Active Trade Allies for use on marketing and advertising materials. The logos are provided in color and black and white, in formats suitable for both print and web use, along with a logo use guideline document. Download the Cascade Natural Gas Trade Ally Logo Package.