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Rates & Tariffs

Washington Billing Terms and Definitions

A British Thermal Unit (BTU) is a measure of the heat content in a fuel source. It is the quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of one pound of water by one degree Fahrenheit.

CCF stands for “centum cubic feet” which means 100 cubic feet or 748 gallons of water. The volume of gas used is measured in CCFs.

The heating quality of natural gas can vary. To compensate for this, the volume used is multiplied by the energy factor to show the actual heating value of the gas supplied by Cascade Natural Gas. The Company bills the customer for units of heat, not for volumes of gas.

A pressure factor is used to compensate for higher-than-normal delivery pressures when determining the volume of gas delivered to a customer’s location. The standard delivery pressure for natural gas is 0.25 pounds per square inch (PSI).

The rates charged on your gas bill have been approved by the Public Utility Commission in the state where you receive service. Copies of current rate schedules are available at A copy of a current, proposed, most recently canceled or superseded tariff page is available by contacting customer service either by phone or in writing.

Therms measure the actual heating value of the natural gas delivered to the customer. One therm equals 100,000 British Thermal Units (BTUs). The number of therms used is determined by multiplying the volume of natural gas used by the Energy Factor and Pressure Factor.

  • Basic Service Charge: The Basic Service Charge covers a portion of the fixed costs associated with meter reading and billing. This charge is the same each month regardless of the amount of natural gas used.
  • Delivery Charge: The Delivery Charge recovers the cost to deliver natural gas from the interstate supply pipeline to a customer meter.
  • Average Cost of Gas: The Average Cost of Gas is the sum of the commodity cost (or the forecasted cost to buy natural gas) and the demand cost (or the forecasted cost to transport the gas to Cascade’s distribution system). (See Schedule 590, Gas Cost Rate Adjustment.)
  • Temp. Gas Cost Adjustment: This price is the adjusted cost between forecasted gas costs and actual gas costs. This rate is generally updated on a 12-month cycle. (See Schedule 590, Gas Cost Rate Adjustment.)
  • Pipeline Replacement: This charge recovers the cost of Cascades’ pipeline safety program that repairs pipeline leaks and damage. (See Schedule 597, Cost Recovery Mechanism.)
  • Decoupling Mechanism: This charge is updated every 12 months to either credit or collect the difference in forecasted and actual costs to serve customers. The variance is generally attributable to changes in the volume of natural gas sold due to increases in energy efficiency or extreme weather. (See Rule 21, Decoupling Mechanism.)
  • Conservation: This charge recovers the costs for the conservation program. (See Schedule 596, Conservation Program Adjustment.)
  • Unprotected EDIT: This is a customer refund for excess taxes collected on “non-plant” items. These refunds will benefit customers until approximately October 31, 2028. (See Schedule 582, Unprotected Excess Deferred Income Tax (EDIT) Reversals.)
  • CARES Cost Recovery: This charge recovers the cost for the Company’s Cascade Arrearage Relief Energy Savings Program offered per Rule 20 and Schedule 303. (See Schedule 592).
  • WA Climate Act Fee: This fee collects the costs Cascade incurs to comply with the Washington Climate Commitment Act (CCA). (See Schedule 700.)
  • WA Climate Act Credit: This credit, which mitigates the impact of the WA Climate Act Fee, is applicable to CARES customers and customers served at locations where the gas service was connected on or before July 25, 2021. (See Schedule 700.)
  • Commission Fee: This charge recovers increase in Commission Fee as adopted by Senate Bill 5634, which was signed into law on March 24, 2022, and became effective January 1, 2023. (Schedule 555.)
  • COVID-19 Costs: This charge collects the costs incurred due to the moratoriums on disconnections and late fees imposed by Governor Inslee’s Proclamation 20-23.2 and the Commissions COVID-19 Response Term Sheet, as approved and modified in Order 01 through Order 06 in U-200281. (Schedule 556.)
  • City Tax: Municipalities may charge a fee (City Tax) for the services we provide in their area. By law, Cascade must pass these charges through to you. This fee only applies if you live in the area with an added tax. (Schedule 500, Municipal Taxes.)
  • Renewable Energy Blocks: If you have chosen to purchase blocks of renewable natural gas (RNG) renewable thermal credits, you will see a charge for monthly subscription. (See Schedule 705, Voluntary Renewable Natural Gas Program.)

Oregon Billing Terms and Definitions

A British Thermal Unit (BTU) is a measure of the heat content in a fuel source. It is the quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of one pound of water by one degree Fahrenheit.

CCF stands for “centum cubic feet” which means 100 cubic feet or 748 gallons of water. The volume of gas used is measured in CCFs.

The heating quality of natural gas can vary. To compensate for this, the volume used is multiplied by the energy factor to show the actual heating value of the gas supplied by Cascade Natural Gas. The Company bills the customer for units of heat, not for volumes of gas.

A pressure factor is used to compensate for higher-than-normal delivery pressures when determining the volume of gas delivered to a customer’s location. The standard delivery pressure for natural gas is 0.25 pounds per square inch (PSI).

The rates charged on your gas bill have been approved by the Public Utility Commission in the state where you receive service. Copies of current rate schedules are available at A copy of a current, proposed, most recently canceled or superseded tariff page is available by contacting customer service either by phone or in writing.

Therms measure the actual heating value of the natural gas delivered to the customer. One therm equals 100,000 British Thermal Units (BTUs). The number of therms used is determined by multiplying the volume of natural gas used by the Energy Factor and Pressure Factor.

  • Basic Service Charge: The Basis Service Charge covers a portion of the fixed costs associated with meter reading and billing. This charge is the same each month regardless of the amount of natural gas used.
  • Delivery Charge: The Delivery Charge recovers the cost to deliver natural gas from the interstate supply pipeline to a customer meter.
  • Average Cost of Gas: The Average Cost of Gas is the sum of the following costs:
    • Cost of Gas: This charge is the cost of natural gas as listed in the rates schedule on which you receive service (e.g., Schedule 101, residential and Schedule 104, Small Commercial).
    • Temporary Cost of Gas This price is the adjusted cost between forecasted gas costs and actual gas costs. This rate is generally updated on a 12-month cycle. (See Schedule 191, Temporary Gas Cost Rate Adjustment.)
    • Intervenor Funding: This Commission-required charge recovers the cost for third-party advocates to participate in the company’s regulatory proceedings. (See Schedule 192, Intervenor Funding Adjustment.)
    • Conservation Alliance Plan Adjustment: This is the Company’s “decoupling” mechanism that is updated annually to credit or collect customers for over-or under-collections of fixed costs incurred and collected in the prior year. Fixed costs for serving a customer are recovered in both the Basic Service Charge and per therm charges. Over-collections may occur when weather is colder than normal and customers use more gas to stay warm. Under-collections may occur when weather is warmer than expected or energy efficiency projects reduce the number of therms of gas Cascade sells in a year. (See Schedule 193, Conservation Alliance Plan).
    • Environmental Remediation: This charge recovers environmental remediation charges. (See Schedule 197, Environmental Remediation Cost Adjustment.)
  • EDP Recovery: This charge recovers the costs of the residential Energy Discount Program (EDP). (See Schedule 37, Energy Discount Program Cost Recovery.)
  • OR Climate Plan: This charge recovers the historic costs Cascade incurred to comply with greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction requirements established by the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality in Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 340-271, Oregon Climate Protection Program.
  • City Tax: Municipalities may charge a fee (City Tax) for the services we provide in their area. By law, Cascade must pass these charges through to you. This fee only applies if you live in the area with an added tax.
  • Public Purpose Fund: This is a funding mechanism for public purpose activities required by the Commission and administered by third parties. Public purpose activities include energy efficiency programs, market transformation, low-income conservation, and bill-assistance programs. (Schedule 31, Public Purpose Charge.)
  • Renewable Energy Blocks – If you have chosen to purchase blocks of renewable natural gas (RNG) renewable thermal credits, you will see a charge for monthly subscription. (See Schedule 805, Voluntary Renewable Natural Gas Program.)

Rates and Tariffs

For the convenience of our customers, Cascade’s tariffs are made available here. The tariffs posted here are approved by the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (WUTC) and the Oregon Public Utility Commission (OPUC) and are the effective rates, rules and regulations of this company.

Cascade seeks to keep this information accurate and current, however, the official tariffs actually in effect, are on file with the respective regulatory Commission. Copies of the official tariffs are also available in each of Cascade’s business offices.

Rates and Services Documents may be available in additional languages upon request by calling Customer Service at 888-522-1130 or emailing [email protected].

i - Cover Sheet34 - Energy Efficiency Services Programs
ii - Index36 - Energy Discount Program | Spanish
1 - General37 - Energy Discount Program Cost Recovery
2 - Definitions99 – Rate Summary Sheet
3 - Establishing Service100 - Adjustment for Municipal Exactions
4 - Customer Deposits and Other Security101 - General Residential Service Rate
5 - Discontinuation of Service104 - General Commercial Service Rate
6 - Billing105 - General Industrial Service Rate
7 - Meters111 - Large Volume General Service Rate
8- Meter Testing163 - General Distribution System Interruptible Transportation Service
9 - Service Line Installations170 - Interruptible Service
10 - Main Installations177 - Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment Provision
11 - House Piping191 - Temporary Gas Cost Rate Adjustment
12 - Responsibility for Maintenance of Service Connections192 - Intervenor Funding Adjustment
14 - Company Responsibility193 - Conservation Alliance Plan Adjustment
15 - Customer Responsibility196 - UM 903 Oregon Earnings Sharing
16 - Force Majuere197 - Environment Remediation Cost Adjustment
17 - Order of Priority for Gas Service199 - Interim Period Deferred Federal Income Tax Benefits Rate Adjustment Schedule
18 - Limitation of Firm Service200 - Various Miscellaneous Charges
19 - Conservation Alliance Plan Mechanism201 - Special Contracts
31 - Public Purpose Charge220 - Climate Protection Plan Cost Recovery Adjustment
32 - Oregon Low-Income Bill Assistance Program800 - Biomethane Receipt Services
33 - Oregon Low-Income Energy Conservation Program805 – Voluntary Renewable Natural Gas Program
810 - Hybrid System Pilot
0 - Title Page | Spanish301 - Low Income Weatherization Incentive Program | Spanish
Table of Contents | Spanish302 - CARES Program Discount Rates | Spanish
Legend of Symbols | Spanish303 - Washington Energy Assistance Fund (WEAF) Program | Spanish
1 - General Rule | Spanish500 - Tax Addition Schedule | Spanish
2 - Definitions Rule | Spanish503 - Residential Service Rate | Spanish
3 - Establishing Service | Spanish504 - General Commercial Service Rate | Spanish
4 - Customer Deposits and Other Security | Spanish505 - General Industrial Service Rate | Spanish
5 - Disconnection and Reconnection of Service | Spanish511 - Large Volume General Service Rate | Spanish
6 - Billings and Payments | Spanish555 - Commission Fee Adjustment Schedule | Spanish
7 - Meters Rule | Spanish556 - COVID-19 Cost Recovery Adjustment | Spanish
8 - Extension of Distribution Facilities Rule | Spanish570 - Interruptible Service Schedule | Spanish
10 - Customer-owned Facilities | Spanish582 - Unprotected Excess Deferred Income Tax (edit) Reversals
13 - Company Responsibility | Spanish590 - Temporary Gas Cost Adjustment
14 - Customer Responsibility | Spanish592 - CARES Cost Recovery
15 - Force Majeure Rule | Spanish593 - Washington Energy Assistance Fund (WEAF) Program Cost Recovery
17 - Order of Priority for Gas Service | Spanish594 - Decoupling Mechanism Adjustment
18 - Limitation of Service Rule | Spanish595 - Content Removed | Spanish
19 - Purchase Gas Cost Rule | Spanish596 - Conservation Program Adjustment
20 - CARES Program | Spanish597 - Cost Recovery Mechanism | Spanish
21 - Decoupling Mechanism | Spanish663 - Distribution System Transportation Service Schedule | Spanish
200 - Various Miscellaneous Charges | Spanish700 - Temporary Climate Commitment Act (CCA) Rate Adjustment | Spanish
300 - Residential Conservation Incentive Program | Spanish705 - Voluntary Renewable Natural Gas Program | Spanish
900 - Biomethane Receipt Services | Spanish
State Agencies
Pending Tariff Changes
Integrated Resource Plan

Cascade Natural Gas files an integrated resource plan (IRP) that outlines its plan to meet future demand. For additional details:

Washington IRP
Oregon IRP

** Spanish translations are provided to assist Spanish speaking customers. The Spanish documents are machine translated and may contain discrepancies in formatting and wording from the original English versions.