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Oregon Integrated Resource Plan

OREGON – Cascade Natural Gas Natural Gas – Integrated Resource Plan

The What: An Integrated Resource Plan describes a utility’s two- to four-year and twenty-year expectation of how Cascade expects to serve customers’ energy needs at the lowest reasonable and safe cost. The analyses in this 12-18 month process includes existing and potential new pipelines and natural gas supply contracts (among others) as well as benefits of energy efficiency to customers. The IRP provides a comprehensively deep and transparent insight into how a utility plans for customers’ energy future. See Previous Years’ IRP at the bottom of the page. The Executive Summary and Key Points are designed to provide a quick, but descriptive, explanation of the process and plan.

The Who: Customers and the general public are invited to participate in a series of meetings on the variety of topics contained in the IRP, including energy efficiency and carbon emission reductions. Together, customers and the general public participating in the IRP process are called Stakeholders. Stakeholders also include the professional analytical staffs of the state utility commissions and groups representing residential and industrial customers. Further community-based organizations and independent experts attend the series of meetings.

How it works: The IRP process begins with a kick-off meeting to lay out the 12-18 month schedule of four to six meetings as well as provide an overview of what issues will be covered. These meetings are called Technical Advisory Group meetings or TAGs. Links are available to the TAG presentations, minutes, and written responses to Stakeholder’s requests and comments.

What to expect: Expectations of participants and tips for the best way for Stakeholders (including customers and the general public) are described in Cascade’s Stakeholder Engagement Design Document. This is a “living document” and suggestions for improvement are welcome.

Sign up! Get on Cascade’s distribution list. You may participate in multiple ways ranging from attending the TAG meetings (either in-person or remotely) to receiving the agendas/presentations to opportunity to comment. Do so by contacting the Supervisor of Resource Planning, Brian Robertson at either [email protected] or (509) 221-9808. You may also contact the Company’s IRP email address at [email protected]. Cascade uses MSTeams as its means to connect participants remotely. MSTeams is a free application to be used by Stakeholders including customers and the general public.

Accommodations: As shown as point #1 on page 2 of the Stakeholder Engagement Design Document, Cascade will provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. Additionally, the Company will reasonably accommodate items such as requests for meeting locations, audio and visual capabilities, and other items requested by external stakeholders. If you have a request for accommodations, please reach out to one of the contacts listed above and the Company will gladly coordinate any reasonable requests for accommodations.

Pre- and Post-IRP feedback report: IRP Feedback Report

2023 IRP TAG 1 Meeting – Wednesday, March 30, 2022
Microsoft Teams Only from 9 am to 2 pm
• IRP Timeline
• Process
• Regional Market Outlook
• Plan for dealing with issues raised in 2020 IRP

TAG 1 Presentation
TAG 1 Minutes
TAG 1 Video Recording

2023 IRP TAG 2 Meeting – Wednesday, May 18, 2022
Microsoft Teams Only from 9 am to noon
• Demand and Customer Forecast
• Forecast Results
• Pipeline Presentations

TAG 2 Presentation
TAG 2 Minutes
TAG 2 Video Recording

2023 IRP TAG 3 Meeting – Thursday, July 28, 2022
Microsoft Teams Only from 1 pm to 4 pm
• Distribution System Planning
• Planned Scenarios and Sensitivities
• Price Forecast
• Avoided Cost

TAG 3 Presentation
TAG 3 Minutes
TAG 3 Video Recording

2023 IRP TAG 4 Meeting – Tuesday, September 20, 2022
Microsoft Teams Only from 9 am to 3 pm
• Carbon Impacts
• Energy Efficiency
• Renewable Natural Gas
• Preliminary Resource Integration

TAG 4 Presentation
TAG 4 Minutes
TAG 4 Video Recording

2023 IRP TAG 5 Meeting – Wednesday, November 9, 2022
Microsoft Teams Only from 9 am to noon
• Final Integration Results
• Finalization of plan components
• Proposed new 4-year Action Plan

TAG 5 Presentation
TAG 5 Minutes
TAG 5 Video Recording

2023 CNGC Final IRP
Appendix A – IRP Process
Appendix B – Demand Forecast
Appendix C – Regulatory Compliance Matrix
Appendix D – Demand Side Management
Appendix E – Supply & Transport Data
Appendix F – Capacity Requirement and Peak Day Planning
Appendix G – Weather & Price Uncertainty Analysis
Appendix H – Avoided Cost
Appendix I – Distribution System Planning
Appendix J – Bill Impact Analysis