Below is a list of prearranged training classes. If you would like to request additional training for your organization, please email [email protected].

FREE Training for Emergency Officials, Emergency Responders, and Public Officials
Local, state or regional officials, agencies, and organizations with emergency response and/or public safety jurisdiction and city, county, state, or federal public officials having land-use or road jurisdiction in CNGC’s operational areas are encouraged to take advantage of this valuable, free training. You all play a critical role in ensuring communities are prepared to take action consistent with the pipeline operator’s and other emergency responder’s programs. The following trainings help prepare Emergency officials/responders and public officials to take action in the rare event that a pipeline emergency does occur.
No training scheduled at this time. Please email us at [email protected] to request training.
Additional damage prevention online training and resources for Emergency Responders can be found at the following links:
For Public Officials:

FREE Training for Excavators and Contractors
We have training geared specifically for excavation and contractor companies who are involved with excavation activities around underground facilities. Excavation damage caused by excavation/contractor companies is the number one risk to underground facilities. Knowledge and understanding of your state’s Dig Laws and excavation best practices can help keep you, your employees, and your communities safe from incidents. The following trainings will help prepare those engaging in excavation safely dig around underground facilities, as well as detect and safely respond in the case that a damage or leak does occur.
No training scheduled at this time. Please email us at [email protected] to request training.
Additional damage prevention online training and resources for excavators can be found at the following links: